We've Started a Blog

So... we have a blog. Expect something of an attempt at doing this with the very little time we have in our daily working lives. We'll do our best.
The idea of pushing on with a blog... on top of the aspect that blogs are an important part for SEO and web presence... is to bring a bit of understanding into the world of pop culture retail and what we do on a day to day basis... because it isn't just playing video games all day.
I'm hoping to delve into our past, bring a bit of a human aspect to what can be a robotic side of online retail, present our ideas for our community projects and give you all an idea of what we have to deal with, the good and the bad, the boring and the exciting. I'm hoping to put out posts on new products we just had to buy in, new releases, information about our Bring Your Geek sessions instore and whatever else might just spring to mind while I'm working.
I'm not sure what to expect with these blog posts and I'm not even sure they'll be read but it could be fun and at least it could be a wonderful diary. I'm very good at throwing up onto pages so it might not be perfect and I'm absolutely no writer but in time I might just get the hang of this... or I might not, maybe, I don't know.