Itemdrop's Games of the Year 2023

Happy New Year! 2023 has ended and we can reveal our top 10 games of the year as follows:
1. Dead Space
2. Metroid Prime Remastered*
3. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom*
4. Super Mario Bros Wonder*
5. Marvel's Spider-Man 2*
6. Pikmin 4*
7. Jack Jeanne*
8. Final Fantasy XVI*
9. Resident Evil 4
10. Star Ocean The Second Story R
Nintendo dominated this year's top 10 with 5 exclusives, but Spider-Man 2 swung into the middle spot for PlayStation. Indie gem Jack Jeanne defied AAA odds, sneaking in just above PlayStation exclusive Final Fantasy XVI. Though Nintendo and PlayStation unleashed a feast of exclusives, it was Dead Space's multiplatform horror that truly captivated us, earning it our GOTY title (* multiplatform accessibility is key for our award).